When God talks about being created in his image, he is referring to the heart condition of New Covenant disciples who share God’s love to a world of people who are not loved, respected and accepted the way they deserve to be loved, respected and accepted. More than that, they are not loved, respected and accepted the way God wants them to be loved, respected and accepted. Loving your neighbor satisfies those basic human needs in ways that human love cannot.
Human love is nice; it feels good, and it brings people together. If human love could make the world better, it would not be in the mess it is.
Human love is nothing like Godly love. God gets no glory from human love because it is not like his love and does not represent him. The only way God receives glory is when his children who are created in his image love one another with Godly love that has a quality that far surpasses human love. People who receive this kind of love will instinctively know that this unique love can only come from God because it is pure, unselfish, lasting, and untainted with the frailties of human love. This is why God commands his people to love their neighbor: Introduce them to God’s pure love. This is God’s way of doing evangelism – evangelism that leads people to God, not to religion.
Godly love — not religion — is what God wants for everyone as both givers and receiver. People who obey the command to love your neighbor are the human vessels through which God delivers Godly love. He calls the act of obeying that command “loving your neighbor as you love yourself.” This was always God’s grand plan. He introduced it in Genesis when he told Adam and Eve to tend the garden which symbolizes the hearts of people (i.e. neighbors.) Godly love nourishes hearts so they mature into Trees of Life that produce good fruit which is more Godly love. This fruit is called the fruit of the Spirit which includes love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are all characteristics of Godly love and God. They are also the characteristics of people who love their neighbor as they love themselves. These are not common characteristics of human love.
It is not a coincidence that the fruit of Trees of Life closely parallels God’s definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13:3-8 in the table below. This scripture is often represented as the ultimate expression of human love in sermons, wedding services and art. When these principles are preached in religion, the idea presented is that when humans consciously apply these principles to their relationships – especially their marriages – life will be good for them and those they love. This theme preaches well but fails to explain the breadth and depth of Godly love which extends to the entire world.
Lacking understanding of Godly love, humans sincerely try to incorporate their limited, cultural understanding of love into their relationships – especially their marriages. They may be successful from time to time, but they will fail sooner or later because they are only performing religious doctrines – not loving from a heart that has been recreated into the image of God’s heart. Using 1 Corinthians 13:3-8 as a checklist will be futile for someone whose heart has not been recreated into the image of God’s heart. With these thoughts in mind we understand that Corinthians 13:3-8 is not a religious to-do list of how to love. It is a summary outline of God’s character and how he works in the hearts of all people without favoritism or partiality for anyone – regardless of race, color, creed, education, or any of the myriad surface features that distinguish humans from one another.
The best way to think of 1 Corinthians 13:3-8 is to think of it as a symbolic summary of who God is and how he works in the hearts of man. The depths of God’s character and his works in the hearts of people are revealed exclusively through his love. Mere human words cannot begin to describe who God is and what he does. His character and ways are unsearchable and unfathomable if we limit our understanding to the literal words of the bible. However God’s ways are discoverable when we experience the power of his love in our hearts.
When we experience God’s love in our hearts, we learn that, contrary to religious teaching, God does not intervene in the affairs of man or nature. God’s only interaction with humans is in the heart. The only miracle he does is to change human hearts into the image of God’s heart. When hearts change and people love their neighbors, the world becomes a better place.
Hearts that have been recreated into the image of God’s heart demonstrate their love in a million different ways as they love people they know and people they don’t know in all of their daily interactions. They even show their love when they vote. Love is not a religious activity that happens one day a week.
The table below introduces the essential principles of loving our neighbors. It includes positive and negative aspects of love.
Give all I possess to the poor |
- Religious people wrongly interpret this verse to mean material possessions. That interpretation elevates material possessions above love experienced in the heart.
- The story of the rich young ruler explains the meaning of this command.
- When we understand that love in our heart is our most important possession, we can interpret this verse in the context of loving our neighbor as ourselves. We share all that we receive so that our neighbors can also experience God’s love in their hearts and live freely and abundantly in a world without hate and oppression. We hold back none of God’s love for ourselves.
Give over my body to hardship |
- Religious people wrongly interpret this verse to mean that love requires suffering a measure of physical hardship. This interpretation ignores the principle of Sacrificial Love which is the perfect expression of loving your neighbor as yourself. Efforts to love your neighbor without sacrifice will not yield good results.
Love is patient. |
- Patience is part of God’s character.
- People who extend unconditional patience to their neighbors –including enemies — in all circumstances without expectation for receiving patience from anyone in return love their neighbors with Godly love.
Love is kind. |
- Kindness is part of God’s character.
- People who extend unconditional kindness and generosity to your neighbors – even to their enemies – in all circumstances without expectation for receiving kindness from anyone in return love their neighbor with Godly love.
Love always protects. |
- God protects his people with his love.
- We protect our neighbors when we extend unconditional Godly love to them.
- We protect our neighbors when we protect their rights, privileges and property.
- We protect our neighbors when we preserve their rights to vote.
- We protect our neighbors when we share material wealth with them and pay taxes to support their material needs.
- We protect our neighbors when we expose conspiracies designed to deprive them of their rights, privileges and property.
- We protect our neighbors when we support and vote for political leaders who promote policies designed to nurture all our neighbors’ needs.
- We protect our neighbors when we share knowledge of what love is, and is not, with them.
- We protect our neighbors when we share knowledge of what love is, and is not, with politicians and religious leaders.
Love always trusts. |
- Trust in this verse has a unique meaning that applies only to trusting God to work in the hearts of people. It does not mean that we should always trust others to do the things they promise to do. Therefore, this verse does not apply to everyday situations where humans have a choice to trust someone or not. Common sense and reason should be applied in those situations. It would be wrong to trust God for things that humans control.
- This verse only applies to matters of the heart in which God commands that we should trust no man because man does not have the power to change human hearts like God does. In that regard, God can always be trusted because he is always faithful.
- We show that we trust that God will work in the hearts of our neighbors when we sacrificially love our neighbors.
Love always hopes. |
- Hope is always associated with God’s spoken word. All of God’s words represent his love.
- What we hope for is that we and our neighbors will experience the power of God’s spoken words (i.e. Faith, Grace, Mercy, Peace, Love, Heart, Glory, Blessing, Hope, Joy, Truth) in their hearts.
- We hope that recipients of Godly love will recognize that it came from God, give him credit for it and be grateful for it.
Love always perseveres. |
Love does not envy.
Envy (5355) (phthonos) describes pain felt and malignity conceived at the sight of excellence or happiness. It means not just wanting what another person has, but also resenting that person for having it. It is an attitude of ill-will that leads to division and strife and even murder. When we envy, we cannot bear to see the prosperity of others, because we ourselves feel continually wretched.
The English word envy is interesting as it is derived from the Latin in = against and video = to look, “to look with ill-will,” etc., toward another, and obviously is an evil strongly condemned in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
To envy is to feel a grudging discontent aroused by the possessions, achievements, or qualities of another along with the desire to have for oneself something possessed by another. To envy another is to show spiteful malice and resentment over another’s advantage. To envy is to possess a discontented feeling that arises in one’s selfish heart in view of the superiority of another, and being nearly tantamount to the expression of jealousy. The one who envies possesses a malignant passion that sees in another qualities that it covets, and can even degenerate into hatred for their possessor. When we feel envy towards others our basic desire is to degrade them, not so much because we aspires after elevation as because we delight in obscuring those who are more deserving. It follows that envying while seemingly just an “innocent” sin is in fact one of the most odious and detestable of all vices. |
- It is not in God’s nature to envy because he is totally self-sufficient.
- Humans envy material things, social status, relationships and political power.
- It is not in the nature of people who love their neighbor to envy or covet because they are content in all things and are never anxious.
- People who love their neighbor as themselves rejoice with their neighbors for the things they possess and never want those things for themselves.
- People who love their neighbor and themselves do not envy their neighbor’s possessions because their hearts are already rich with Faith, Grace, Mercy, Peace, Love, Heart, Glory, Blessing, Hope, Joy, and Truth.
- Absence of envy is critical to loving your neighbor. It is impossible to devote yourself to loving your neighbors and be attentive to their needs if you envy or covet those things for yourself. Moreover, when you envy or covet your neighbors’ possessions, you are in competition with your neighbor. Unity exists in a collaborative, self-sacrificial environment – not in a win/lose competition.
Love does not boast. |
- It is not in God’s nature to boast.
- It is not in the nature of people who are created in God’s image to boast. They have nothing to boast about because the valuable things they possess in their hearts (i.e. Faith, Grace, Mercy, Peace, Love, Heart, Glory, Blessing, Hope, Joy, and Truth) are all gifts from God – not products of their labor.
- People boast about their material wealth, social status, relationships and political/religious power. They rightly believe that they have a right to boast about these things because they worked hard to attain them. Their real motive in boasting is to elevate themselves in the sight of others. This boasting is not an act of love because it creates division based on the things people possess. The goal of love is to create unity – not division.
- Absence of boasting is critical to loving your neighbor. People who boast are not attractive or trustworthy in the eyes of most people because, in effect, boasters say that they are better than others because they have certain possessions and/or have done certain things that have high social/moral/religious/political value. The boaster’s identity focuses on intellect, physical strength, physical beauty and labor they possess and use to acquire personal, material wealth, social status, relationships and political/religious power.
- Boastful people often offset their efforts to advance their personal interests with works of charity or public service. These efforts are seen as humble acts of good will toward others but are really self-serving. These efforts are praised by other boastful people but are despised by those who see through the hypocrisy.
- People who love their neighbor with Godly love will not do the following:
- Boast in their hearts or publicly about all the good things they have done in religion, politics, community and business.
- Boast in their hearts or publicly about their material wealth and social standing.
- Publicly represent themselves as being better than, or more important than others.
Love is not proud. |
- It is not in God’s nature to be proud.
- It is not in the nature of people who love their neighbor to be proud because they know that they are created in God’s image by God.
- It is in the nature of people who are created in God’s image to be publicly and privately humble – even if they worked hard to acquire material wealth, social status, relationships and political/religious power.
- Humble people use their wealth, social status, relationships and political power quietly and anonymously to benefit their neighbors – not themselves. They never boast about the things they have accomplished.
- God resists proud people and exalts humble people.
- People who do not love their neighbors are publicly and privately proud of their material wealth, social status, relationships and political/religious power. Pride is the reward for their hard work to attain and maintain these things for their personal benefit.
Love does not dishonor others. |
- People who demonstrate Godly love are never rude to others. They always give honor and respect to all their neighbors – not just people who are like them.
- People who demonstrate Godly love do not condemn or speak ill of their neighbors in their hearts or publicly.
- People who demonstrate Godly love honor all their neighbors with the same honor they hope to receive themselves.
Love is not self-seeking. |
- People who demonstrate Godly love have no need or desire to use their physical, financial, religious, political and social resources to advance or protect their personal rights, privileges and wealth because they are not proud and have no need to boast.
- People who demonstrate Godly love have no need or desire to use their physical, financial, religious, political and social resources to advance or protect their personal rights, privileges and wealth because they are fully content with what they have.
- People who demonstrate Godly love do not seek to earn praise from others through their involvement in religion, politics, business or social activism.
- People who demonstrate Godly love do not seek to earn favor from others by publicly praising them for the material things they possess or the good things they have done.
Godly love is not easily angered. |
Godly love keeps no record of wrongs. God forgives sins. |
- God keeps no record of wrongs. Therefore, people who demonstrate Godly love forgive others unconditionally for their offenses to them and their neighbors.
- People who demonstrate Godly love do not gloat when someone is held accountable for wrongs done to themselves or their neighbors.
- People who demonstrate Godly love do not seek revenge for wrongs done to themselves or their neighbors.
God does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. |
- People who demonstrate Godly love do not conspire with individuals or groups to deprive neighbors of their constitutional rights and privileges.
- People who demonstrate Godly love do not conspire with individuals or groups to deprive neighbors of their material wealth, or access to material wealth and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
- People who demonstrate Godly love do not repeat lies and deceptive conspiracies as though they were true.
- People who demonstrate Godly love do not associate with individuals or groups that start or spread deceptive conspiracies.
- People who demonstrate Godly love never hope that their neighbors will fail in any way.
- People who demonstrate Godly love will publicly expose lies, deceptions and conspiracies designed to create injustice for their neighbors.
- People who demonstrate Godly love will publicly expose political and religious leaders who spread lies, deceptions and conspiracies of all kinds.
- People who demonstrate Godly love will privately speak words of Godly love to anyone who spreads lies, deceptions and conspiracies.
- People who demonstrate Godly love will publicly share truths that correct lies, deceptions and conspiracies.
Godly love never fails. God will not leave us or forsake us. |
- Human love tends to deteriorate and will eventually fail when it is not rewarded with human love.
- Godly love never fails in the hearts of people who are created in his image.
Summary Facts about Godly love:
- It is not like sentimental human love.
- Godly love is very practical and is always oriented to the well-being (e.g. physical, emotional, financial, educational, relational, etc.) of others.
- It is always oriented to building others up.
- It never allows for tearing others down.
- It never focuses on the emotions or other benefits typically associated with human love.
- Unlike human love which can be sustained in healthy ways only when the object of love returns it, Godly love is given unconditionally, without expectations for reciprocity.
- God loves without expectation that people will return love to him.
- God’s love is unconditional. It persists even when it is rejected.
- Godly love includes a very broad definition of neighbor that includes all mankind — not just people you know intimately.
These are the qualities of Godly love that differentiate it from human love. These are the qualities we should look for when choosing friends, making alliances and voting.